Optimizing Django For Building High Performance Systems

Created by Sanyam Khurana | @ErSanyamKhurana | @CuriousLearner

Who am I?

  • One of YOU! -- Part of the community
  • Mozilla Representative
  • Open Source Contributor
  • Goes by "CuriousLearner" all over the web


The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

But perfection is often forgotten due to deadlines

Server not responding - 5XX

Database Access Optimizations

Profiling your Applications

  • What queries you're doing and what they're costing you?
  • Use django-debug toolbar
  • Use django-debug toolbar
  • Use django-debug toolbar
  • Alright, I've made my point!
  • Optimize the right layer to create a balance
    • Database processing
    • Python processing
  • Profile after every change - should be big enough benefit given the decrease in readability of code.

Understanding Database level optimizations

Two obvious things

  • Indexes using `Field.db_index` or `Meta.index_together`; speed up filter(), exclude(), order_by() etc.
  • Appropriate usage of field types

Understanding Querysets

  • Querysets are `LAZY`
  • Understand how they are held in memory & when they are evaluated.

Understanding cache attributes

  • In general, non-callable attributes will be cached
    student = Student.objects.get(id=1)
    student.first_name  # Accessing first_name by hitting the database
    student.first_name  # No more hitting the database, first_name is already cached.
  • These would issue multiple calls to database
    student = Student.objects.get(id=1)
    student.objects.all()  # Hits the database to get everything from objects manager
    student.objects.all()  # Hits the database again.
  • Be aware of Django templates -- they don't use parantheses doesn't mean they cache the result
  • For your own properties use `@cached_property` decorator

Separate Database and Python processing

  • Use filter() and exclude() extensively wherever you can.
  • from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    month_before = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)
  • Form chains of filtered querysets till you get the queryset you want

  • users = User.objects.filter(date_joined__gt=month_before)
    # users in a queryset
    for user in users: # users would be only evaluated now
        # ... do something ...
  • Use F expressions to filter on other fields within same database model
  • User.objects.all().update(credits=F('credits') + 1)
    It would also help you prevent race conditions in your database.
  • Use Q objects to form complex commands
  • User.objects.get(
        Q(joined_date=date(2017, 3, 18)) | Q(joined_date=date(2017, 3, 18))
    Let's see what the corresponding SQL query would look like:
    SELECT * from registration_users WHERE name LIKE 'san%'
        AND (joined_date = '2017-03-18' OR joined_date = '2017-03-18')
  • Use annotate and aggregate to derive summaries in database
  • annotate() ? aggregate() ? Isn't it one and the same thing?
  • Aggregate is a terminal clause
  • Book.objects.aggregate(average_price=Avg('price'))
    # {'average_price': 13.67}
  • Annotate to do further processing
  • Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).filter(num_authors__gt=1)
len(User.objects.all())  # What newbies do
users = User.objects.filter(first_name__startswith='s')
if users:  # Another mistake newbies make
    # ... do something ...
len(User.objects.all())  # Use User.objects.count()
users = User.objects.filter(first_name__startswith='s')
if users:  # Use exists()
    # ... do something ...
# All operations using querysets are fast
# That is what all databases are good at.

users = User.objects.filter(first_name__startswith='s')

# Counting objects in Python
# Slower as includes database call as well as python processing

# Django template filter
# Much slower because of Python processing
# and template overheads
{{ users | length }}
users = User.objects.filter(first_name__startswith='s')
if users:
    # ... do something ...
Use exists() for checking if there are entries in database

Need more Power?

Use RawSQL

Still need more power?

Use raw SQL queries

Avoid retreiving things that you don't need

select * from registration_user
select first_name from registration_user

Use bulk create

# Instead of hitting database various times like:

# Use bulk_create ( just 1 query )


for ManyToManyFields

sanyam = User.objects.get(first_name="sanyam")
amit = User.objects.get(first_name="amit")

# Instead of using

# Add multiple at once
PyDelhi.members.add(sanyam, amit)

Use foreign key values directly

# Instead of 
# Use values directly like:

Inspecting raw SQL queries shot behind the scenes by ORM

The untold story of humungous tasks

Tasks which requires a lot of processing

Processing them in the django request-response cycle would hurt your application really bad

Example: Sending emails, SMS...

Doing a lot of processing / aggregation

Avoid those 5XX responses and start using task queues such as Celery

They would help you to asynchronously process and update the results later

Use RabbitMQ/Redis as broker and RESULT_BACKEND

Optimizing Templates

Cache particular portions

Use Memcached cache

given a URL, try finding that page in the cache
if the page is in the cache:
    return the cached page
    generate the page
    save the generated page in the cache (for next time)
    return the generated page

Template fragment caching

{% load cache %}
{% cache 500 sidebar request.user.username %}
    ... sidebar for particular user ...
{% endcache %}

Use `cache_page` decorator

from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page

@cache_page(60 * 15)  # cache for 15 mins
def my_view(request):
    # ... some magic happens ...
    # ... return Response ....

The famous n+1 access problem ;)

What is it?

Books having Author(s)

One query to fetch N books, and then N queries to fetch author(s) for each book

Total N+1 queries

SELECT * FROM Author WHERE book_id = ?;

Why not simply do?

And then do in-memory processing

Extensively use `select_related` (for OneToOneField or ForeignKey field) and `prefetch_related` (for ManyToManyField) if you know what fields you might need.

book = Book.objects.select_related('author').get(id=1)
# Will not hit the database again since author was already pre-populated
author = book.author

From 101 queries (in case of 100 books) to just 2 queries in a typical use case.

Architecture you *should* consider having in your Django applications

Image credits to Naren Arya from IMPYTHONIST Image credits to Naren Arya from IMPYTHONIST

Where to go from here?

As always, profile first & then optimize


Shout out on Twitter: @ErSanyamKhurana
Github: CuriousLearner
Shoot a mail at: Sanyam@SanyamKhurana.com

My websites:
www.SanyamKhurana.com | www.TheGeekyWay.com