Mozilla @StoryMirror Youth Creative Conclave

Posted by Sanyam Khurana on Sat 15 October 2016

We had an amazing event scheduled on October 8, 2016 at Hansraj college in Delhi University. I reached the venue at 10:00 AM where I found Anup and other Mozillians preparing for the event.

Mozilla Story Mirror youth creative

We had three talks scheduled. First one was by Anup; where he introducted people to Mozilla and world of Open Source. We discussed about Open Web and privacy issues; and the role of Mozilla is shaping the web.

Anup speaking at Mozilla Story Mirror youth creative Crowd at Mozilla Story Mirror youth creative

Next session was taken by me where we discussed about DVCS (Distributed Version Control System) Git which is used in almost every other software product for versioning purposes.

Sanyam speaking at Mozilla Story Mirror youth creative Sanyam telling about his contribution story in Mozilla Story Mirror youth creative

Last session was taken by Rajeev where he discussed about local community Mozilla Delhi (Mozpacers) and how people can join in and learn.

Rajeev speaking at Mozilla Story Mirror youth creative

After the event there were a lot of students coming to learn about "How to contribute in Open Source". Many of them inquired about contributing code to Open Source projects. I guided them the best I could and referred them to resources.

The event was a great success :)

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