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International Women's Day with WoMoz in Delhi

We all know that every year, 8th March is celebrated as International Women's Day. It is a focal point in the movement for women's...

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MozAMU: Mozilla Addons Development at AMU

It all started with PyCon India. I met a few students of Aligarh Muslim University who were trying to teach about FOSS in their college....

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Web Extensions, Womoz & Privacy

A Saturday well spent teaching students about Open Source, Add-ons and Privacy. We had an activity at Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical...

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Moz-Fedora Day

We recently organized Moz-Fedora Day, a one day event on promoting FOSS through Mozilla & Fedora at Investopad, Hauz Khas, Delhi on Jan...

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Ending the year with MozCoffee

We had MozCoffee Delhi on last Saturday, Dec 23, 2017. We had a lot of Rep Attendees this time with other Mozillians. What would have...

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Why you should contribute to Open Source

My first step with FOSS was during the summer of 2014, where I got introduced to DGPLUG (Durgapur Linux Users Group). Every year, they...

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Mercurial commands list for contributing to Mozilla

Most of the Mozilla's project uses Mercurial as a version control tool. I've worked in different projects of Mozilla and I found that...

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NIEC Activate Mozilla with WebVR

On Saturday, January 28, 2017, we had an event planned at Northern India Engineering College on Activate Mozilla Campaign. Our aim was...

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Representing Mozilla in FOSS UnConference

On December 17, 2016; we had FOSS un-conference where all Open Source groups gathered to discuss about the FOSS culture. We had people...

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Talk on contributing to Mozilla Marionette

I've always felt that newbies find it very difficult to get started into any Open Source project. If we talk specifically about...

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