How to write custom backend?

In case you want to use anything other than the provided backends (phone_verify.backends.nexmo.NexmoBackend and phone_verify.backends.twilio.TwilioBackend), you can write a custom backend by extending phone_verify.backends.base.BaseBackend as shown below.

Note: For this tutorial, we will consider writing backend for Nexmo. The steps will remain same for any other service.

  1. Create a file with any name within your project. Let’s say

  2. Define settings in your project’s as

# Settings for phone_verify
    'BACKEND': 'nexmo.NexmoBackend',  # Path to the custom backend class which we will be creating in further steps
    'OPTIONS': {
        # define options required for your service
        'KEY': 'Fake Key',
        'SECRET': 'Fake secret',
        'FROM': '+1232328372987',
        'SANDBOX_TOKEN': '123456',  # Optional for sandbox utility
    'TOKEN_LENGTH': 6,
    'MESSAGE': 'Welcome to {app}! Please use security code {security_code} to proceed.',
    'APP_NAME': 'Phone Verify',
    'SECURITY_CODE_EXPIRATION_TIME': 3600  # In seconds only
    'VERIFY_SECURITY_CODE_ONLY_ONCE': True,  # If False, then a security code can be used multiple times for verification

Note: You may use a client for your service(if available) to send SMS or you may directly use the APIs for that service. Since, Nexmo has a client called nexmo, we will be leveraging its functionality.

  1. Create a class NexmoBackend within You must inherit your custom class with phone_verify.backends.base.BaseBackend.

# Third Party Stuff
import nexmo
from phone_verify.backends.base import BaseBackend

class NexmoBackend(BaseBackend):

    def __init__(self, **options):

        # Lower case it just to be sure
        options = {key.lower(): value for key, value in options.items()}
        self._key = options.get("key", None)
        self._secret = options.get("secret", None)
        self._from = options.get("from", None)

        # Create a Nexmo Client object
        self.client = nexmo.Client(key=self._key, secret=self._secret)

Initialize your class constructor with options dictionary which contains all the settings specific to your service defined in We have fetched each setting from options in above piece of code. Apart from it, we have created a client for our service by providing it the necessary settings.

  1. Override send_sms method of phone_verify.backends.base.BaseBackend class to implement functionality for sending SMS. It must have two positional parameters number and message respectively.


def __init__(self, **options):

    # Lower case it just to be sure
    options = {key.lower(): value for key, value in options.items()}
    self._key = options.get("key", None)
    self._secret = options.get("secret", None)
    self._from = options.get("from", None)

    # Create a Nexmo Client object
    self.client = nexmo.Client(key=self._key, secret=self._secret)

def send_sms(self, number, message):
    # Implement your service's SMS sending functionality
        'from': self._from,
        'to': number,
        'text': message,
  1. For sending bulk messages, you must override send_bulk_sms method of phone_verify.backends.base.BaseBackend class. It must have two positional parameters numbers and message respectively.


def send_sms(self, number, message):
    # Implement your service's SMS sending functionality
        'from': self._from,
        'to': number,
        'text': message,

def send_bulk_sms(self, numbers, message):
    for number in numbers:
        self.send_sms(self, number=number, message=message)

How to create custom Sandbox Service?

The above steps will remain same if you wish to create a sandbox utility for your service. We’ll create a new class with keeping above steps in mind. Apart from it, we will need to override a few more methods and tweak our __init__ method a bit.

  1. Create a custom sandbox class for your service, NexmoSandboxBackend inherited from phone_verify.backends.base.BaseBackend.

  2. The constructor for your sandbox environment can get the SANDBOX_TOKEN from settings as shown. This enables you to keep the token constant for testing purposes. You can then override send_sms and send_bulk_sms for the service as done in case of creating actual custom backend.

# Third Party Stuff
import nexmo
from phone_verify.backends.base import BaseBackend
from phone_verify.models import SMSVerification

class NexmoSandboxBackend(BaseBackend):

    def __init__(self, **options):

        # Lower case it just to be sure
        options = {key.lower(): value for key, value in options.items()}
        self._key = options.get("key", None)
        self._secret = options.get("secret", None)
        self._from = options.get("from", None)
        self._token = options.get("sandbox_token", None)  # Fetch sandbox token for your service.

        # Create a Nexmo Client object
        self.client = nexmo.Client(key=self._key, secret=self._secret)

    def send_sms(self, number, message):
        # Implement your service's SMS sending functionality
            'from': self._from,
            'to': number,
            'text': message,

    def send_bulk_sms(self, numbers, message):
        for number in numbers:
            self.send_sms(self, number=number, message=message)

    def generate_security_code(self):
        Returns a fixed security code
        return self._token

    def validate_security_code(self, security_code, phone_number, session_token):
        Always validate security code for testing purposes
        return SMSVerification.objects.none(), self.SECURITY_CODE_VALID

We have also overriden the generate_security_code and validate_security_code methods of BaseBackend class. The validate_security_code method must have security_code, phone_number and session_token as its positional parameters. We returned an empty SMSVerification object to keep the return arguments uniform with the acutal base class method.

In order to use this new custom backend class, it should be replaced in the BACKEND key under PHONE_VERIFICATION settings as shown below.

# Settings for phone_verify
     'BACKEND': 'nexmo.NexmoSandboxBackend',  # Path to the custom sandbox class
     'OPTIONS': {
         # define options required for your service
         'KEY': 'Fake Key',
         'SECRET': 'Fake secret',
         'FROM': '+1232328372987',
         'SANDBOX_TOKEN': '123456',  # Optional for sandbox utility
     'TOKEN_LENGTH': 6,
     'MESSAGE': 'Welcome to {app}! Please use security code {security_code} to proceed.',
     'APP_NAME': 'Phone Verify',
     'SECURITY_CODE_EXPIRATION_TIME': 3600  # In seconds only
     'VERIFY_SECURITY_CODE_ONLY_ONCE': True,  # If False, then a security code can be used multiple times for verification